Schedule an Appointment with us!
For dog spay/neuter scheduling: We are working through a dog waitlist at this time. To be added to the dog waitlist please email dogs@snipwv.org with your information and your dog's information and we will get back to you with a surgery date!​
For Community Cats (Stray and Feral): For appointments or more information on our Feral Free Program please email TNR@snipwv.org for more information.
In order to request a surgery appointment, a deposit equal to the cost of services is required. Please pay the deposit by selecting the deposit option on the scheduler. If you do not pay the deposit, your appointment will not be approved.
In the event you do not show up for your appointment or cancel your appointment without notification 36 hours in advance, this deposit will be forfeited to our clinic as a donation.
If you need to reschedule your appointment and you let us know more than 36 hours in advance, your deposit will be applied to your new appointment date.
*If you are making an appointment with a voucher or you have adopted an animal through an organization that pays for the spay/neuter procedure, a deposit is not required but you must notate the type of voucher you have or the organization that is paying for the procedure in the appointment "Notes" section. If you do not pay the deposit and do not document the voucher information in the Notes field, your appointment will not be approved.*
Please note at this time, if appointments are not showing up that is because there currently are not appointments available for that appointment type. You can periodically check on here to see if there are any cancelations or keep an eye on our social media accounts, we will post when we are able to open up another bulk of appointments.
Thank you for getting your pets spayed/neutered!