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Feral Free FAQs


How do I sign up?

You can email to be added to our Feral Day Interests List! We have someone new monitoring that inbox and catching up our waitlist, so if you have reached out through there and still have kitties who need to be fixed feel free to send another email! 

We need: Your name, address, phone number, and approximately how many cats are in your colony.

Do they need to be ear tipped?

Yes, an ear tip is a requirement for this program. 

How is this program funded? 

This program is funded by grants and donations!

Do cats need to be in traps?

With the safety of our clients and our staff in mind, we prefer that feral cats come in humane traps. However, we do understand if the only way you can catch the cat is a crate/carrier. 


What is included?

Through this program community cats will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated for rabies, given an HCP vaccine (while grant funded vaccines are available), and ear tipped! 

Can you rehome my friendly/feral kittens? 

We are not a shelter and do not have a place to intake animals/adopt them out. We would recommend reaching out to local rescue groups if you have kittens at your colony that you think could be homed. 

Do you have geographic restrictions for this program?

Due to funding sources, this program is currently restricted to WV. This year we will be targeting specific counties that will be announced when we schedule our Feral Free Days

Still have a question?

Reach out to us directly!

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